We will keep your professional interest at full throttle till the very closure. And after the official part, you can take a break, relax and get a boost from live networking in informal settings!

We have prepared an exciting program for you to participate at the end of the event:
I. Prize drawing. The attendees will get unique books and valuable gifts from the event organizers and partners. The grand prize is portable Bluetooth speaker JBL Flip 3 Special Edition!
II. Stand-up party. We will furnish a delicious buffet dinner for all the attendees. You'll have not just something to bite but also something to wash your bite down! :)

III. Live networking. Ties are loosened and top buttons are unbuttoned, at last. The best way to establish a contact is a casual conversation in informal settings!
IV. BEER PARTY! We will furnish not only a buffet dinner but a real beer party after the event closure!

We do our best to create perfect conditions for live networking, as well as establishing new contacts and partner relations. We are looking forward to seeing you at our event!