For Attendees

General information for attendees

You've made the right choice!

Thank you for your decision to attend our event. Your experience, knowledge, and views really matter to us, as we are confident that human capital is the most valuable thing. Thanks to your assistance we gather the most numerous and professional audience in the region year after year.

   Apply for participation

By registering early you can have a chance to participate in our event for free! Please read the Attendance Policy section. for details

Please note! Your personal data will be used for the purpose of the event management only.

Attendees list

Our attendees say...

Attention! Please fill in all fields of the form marked with an asterisk (*).

Внимание! Необходимо заполнить все поля анкеты, помеченные звездочкой (*).

Внимание! Необходимо заполнить все поля анкеты, помеченные звездочкой (*).

Attention! Please fill in all fields of the form marked with an asterisk (*).